Adding an event to your site is easy.

#Getting started Create a new .md file or copy an existing post in the _posts directory to get started. The post file name must be in this format:

#Config for posts

#leave this alone
layout: post

#Whats the title of your event.
title:  "Talk on ES6 JavaScript"

#Url to your cover photo for your event. [optional - default will be used if not given]
cover: ""

#The date of the event. 
date:   2016-02-01 16:04:19 +0000

#Start time of the event
start_time: "12:00"

#end time of the event
end_time: "13:00"

#event organiser details

#event organiser details
organiser: "Frank Smith"

#Make sure you setup your Organiser details in the _data directory in the organisers.yml file


#Post content

After you have setup your config, all you need to do know is write your content using markdown.

#Example Post

layout: post

#event information
title:  "ReactJS"
cover: ""
date:   2016-03-28
start_time: "12:00"
end_time: "13:00"

#event organiser details
organiser_email: ""
organiser_name : "David Boyne"
organiser_photo: ""


I will be doing a small talk on an Introduction into ReactJS. We will cover the following:

- What is React?
- How to get setup with React.
- How to get building React Apps.
- Bundle your application
- Release your application

If this sounds interesting please register your interest below.

##Thats all folks Thats all you need to do. Once the website is built again using jekyll build or jekyll serve your new event will be shown.